- 情報工学
- 無線通信
- 通信工学
中西 淳平
- 修士(工学)
- 和歌山信愛女子短期大学 生活文化学科 生活文化専攻
- 生活文化専攻主任
- 准教授
- "A wireless image transmission system using hierarchical multilevel QAM" The 10th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC '99), B5-5, September 1999
- "A Study on a Wireless Image Transmission Scheme based on Hierarchical Multilevel QAM" The Proceedings of the Mobile Multimedia Communication Workshop Japan, Vol.1, No.1, pp.7-12, March 1998
- "Modulation Level Controled Mobile Image Transmission System" Proceedings of the 1998 IEICE General Conference, Vol.1, No.B-5-233, p.597, March 1998
- 電子情報通信学会